1A - Residential Retrofit Blueprint: Scaling to Reach All Customers
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Virtual Link - https://t.e2ma.net/click/svdxao/4k1d35b/0t576o
Addressing the twin crises of energy equity and climate will require dramatic increases in home retrofits. The residential sector accounts for 22% of U.S. energy consumption but is difficult to address and has been underserved by efficiency investment, particularly within LMI housing, which accounts for 30% of electrical use but receives only 6% of efficiency spending. How can states and localities coordinate resources from the federal, state and local level, and what additional resources will be required to address the nation’s retrofit needs equitably and at scale?
Forum North
10:30 AM
1B - Now or Never: What Will it Take for Global Investments in Energy Efficiency to Match Its Potential?
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
VIrtual Link - https://t.e2ma.net/click/svdxao/4k1d35b/gm676o
The EE movement began in the 1970s when the global oil crisis shed light on the need for energy security and the world was beginning to understand the impact of climate change. Five decades later and recent headlines are eerily familiar. Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine is highlighting weaknesses in global energy security. The IPCC’s latest report warned that key climate investments must be made “now or never” to meet the Paris Climate Agreement. That same report – and dozens of others – tout EE at the quickest, cheapest solution for addressing our climate and energy needs, yet it remains underfunded and underutilized. Why are we still having this conversation? How to we ensure EE investment is scaled to meet its potential? How can energy policy prioritize energy efficiency and how do we spur political action?
Central Hub
1:50 PM
2A - Workforce Development
1:50 PM - 2:50 PM
Virtual Link - https://t.e2ma.net/click/svdxao/4k1d35b/c7776o
From the Graying Workforce to the Great Resignation, finding talent is keeping our leaders up at night. This session will examine how companies are meeting the challenge of attracting and retaining top talent while at the same time ensuring that their workforces reflect the communities they serve.
Central Hub
1:50 PM
2B - Advancing U.S. Energy Efficiency Policy: An Examination of Current EE Policy and the Path Forward
1:50 PM - 2:50 PM
Virtual Link - https://t.e2ma.net/click/svdxao/4k1d35b/sz876o
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), 40% of the carbon emissions reductions required under the Paris Agreement can be achieved through energy efficiency alone—and the same agency states that getting to “net zero by 2050 hinges on a global push to increase energy efficiency.” This session will seek to identify the levels of U.S. domestic energy efficiency investments required and explore strategies to assist developing economies lead with energy efficiency as they simultaneously build lasting low-to-zero emissions energy infrastructure.