EE Global is a by invitation-only event. If you already received an invitation, please register using the code provided in your invitation. Please note that this year all complimentary registrants will be charged a processing fee of $25.
If you are a NGO or government employee and have yet to receive a complimentary invitation, we encourage you to apply.
If you are a corporate entity who’ve not received an invitation are able to purchase tickets for $1,000. This ticket includes admission to the full Forum, including all sessions, meals and networking.
If you are unable to attend EE Global, you must cancel online using your provided confirmation number by May 22nd. All cancellations after April 1 will be charged a $250 cancellation fee, and all registered attendees who do not attend will be charged a $300 no-show fee.
Please contact Susanna Silvan, Events Manager, at 202-530-2236 or for registration inquiries.